Scripture Reading - Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. KJV

These verses encourage us to keep your eyes upon the all encompassing grace of our Heavenly Father and His Precious Son Jesus Christ. Notice the first key word in verse 8 is “grace”, it is already understood that this word “grace” is referring to God’s Grace. Whatever we need in this life (on earth) and everything we need to get to the next life (in Heaven) will be accomplished by God’s unmerited grace. We use the term unmerited grace to draw attention to the fact that it is all about God’s kindness and love shown to us. We did not deserve this outpouring of goodness from God by any stretch of the imagination. We have not purchased even a small measure of God’s Grace by any of our good works. This concept of God’s Grace basically states that because God so loves us that He is completely inclined to do good unto us by using all of His resources on our behalf. This sounds unreasonable to the carnal mind because usually people only help those who can help them in return. We, as saints of God, can never help God to be more God, nor are we equipped to manifest God’s Will apart from His Grace. This topic of grace is an absolute all win for every man upon the earth because the Lord has all the resources of Heaven and all the time of eternity. There is absolutely nothing in this world or the world to come that God can not accomplish by His Grace. So it is very important that the children of God appreciate that we exist by God’s Grace and any good thing that we do we do it by God’s Grace. Be sure that you never make the mistake of thinking that your good works were essential for your success. Good works should always be subjected to the Grace of God and viewed as a product of God’s Grace. If someone thinks that their good works caused them to be blessed they are violating verse 9. We could pride ourselves on keeping a good confession and standing firm in faith but without God’s Grace we would have nothing. Let us remember to appreciate God’s unfailing grace and remind ourselves without the Lord’s goodness we are lost (unsaved). The very faith we access to partake of God’s Grace is also a gift of God which means it falls under God’s Grace. Knowing with all confidence that His grace is not limited to our natural ability or intelligence because His Grace is unlimited to us. Praise God for what Jesus did to save our souls because all of it was completely done by God’s Grace. Amen!